Thursday, October 14, 2010

soOoo Sorry TO my Followers

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Thursday, October 14, 2010 3 comments
Im So sorry I havent updated in so long and also that I have nothing at the moment to share!! Well with Crochet any way!! I have made some baby hats and my daughter a hat but I havent even took a pic :( man im getting behind lol!

I did just get featured in to an etc Treasury Though..Blossom MY lil gloomy that was the first with Bright colors has been featured yet again You can see her in the Treasury Here.. She is also still on sale for $50 US aswell as Alice:)

I have been working on a Pumpkin From the Crochet along with Itsy Bitsy Spider crochet but I guess I wassnt following the instruction completly right and had to frog it :( IM on to a new one now lol !!!

Well What have I been busy doing????
being a mom lol well no not just that but some what!!
I posted earlier on how I Started doing a photography course and I have been actually pretty Busy doing that!! I have done 4 shoots now and I can see how my photos themselves are getting better with every shot! Im almost done my Photography course 3 more lessons to go :) Once im done that I'm Hopen to either do teh wedding photography course or theEditting Course at

I did end up startinga blog for my photography yesterday and it is still in the works and well lets see how well I can update both of them now:)
Photography blog is Britainy St Photography!!
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