Thursday, June 4, 2009

~Swap Happy~

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Thursday, June 04, 2009
So recently I joined a swap through
 Raverly..  It was my  first  ever  Crochet  Swap and  truly one of my first Craft swaps.. 
I was sooo excited I got my package on Monday I  truly got spoiled:)
First  Swap and  a great out come. 
My partner was Mfangmann  ..  you can  find her blog here 
She's another   Twilight  fan its so neat that  me and her have alot in  common and I'm noticing  even more now sense  we have finished swapping :) 

Here is a photo Of all the goodies  she sent me.  
Two Balls Of Bamboo Yarn   That is s ooo supper SOFT  a ball of Mohair that  will look  wicked cool on  a doll Im planning on making.  Four  lil  bags of safety eye's. A really cool  and neat  hand therapy set  that  I  have all ready  tried out  :)  
Some  comfort Grips  for  my hooks.. 
 That are seriously life saver's 
Some  really PUnk a$$ buttons..   That  will look  so  sweet on one of  my gloomy's  :) 

I  totally got spoiled and  will forsurely  be doing another  swap soon..  
I  just feel  bad now I don;t think I spoiled her  enough :( 

So I have been busy busy busy I got over  26   squares  done for the blanket I'm going to make  for kiera for Christmas and  I'm  thinking it may take that long...   I should have  thought of it  at  first  but  I  should have made the squares  bigger there around  4X4 inches and I want the blanket to at least    fit  her single bed  so I have alot more squares to build lmao.. 

I have  started  to work ON a  baby blanket  ( will post  pics  when  done)   I have Two baby blankets to make and One  lil bunny :)  
Sheldons Sister is  preggo  and so is  his  cousin and I want to  give  both  baby blankets and  MY  Sister in law  has a lil girl so I also Want to send something along with the blanket  for her:)  I know  she will love it 
I have slowly started  to work on the next gloomy and  Hope to finish her soon and  really hope to get  some of these WIP  finished.. 
The baby blankey I'm  working on  right now is  creamsicle Orange and White.. It will be good  for a baby boy or a girl  I'm pretty sure. I hope to finish it  within the  next  couple  days and  hopefully finish  some of the other projects that  are half done.. Man   Im getting bad I use to make  sure i  finished one before I  started another.

As For the Internet  situation BAD  still Bad  :(   I haven't  got on  due to that. I'm going to have alot  of blog reading once it starts to work. 

AND a big ONe  here  
* YEAH*  
I love all you that  read my blog it makes me  keep  going   so  keep  reading  keep  commenting you all are my inspiration. 


Caroline on June 5, 2009 at 9:57 AM said...

Your swap package is way cool! What a haul! Can't wait to see your FOs!

Unknown on June 5, 2009 at 9:08 PM said...

Can't wait to see the baby blankets, they are going to be beautiful I am sure!

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