Monday, July 26, 2010

Two New dolls!!

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Monday, July 26, 2010
Meet Jay:)

Jay Is going to be gift to one of my good friends!! She has no clue that this lil Gloomy Was made excpecialy for her.

Jay is not as bright as the rest but she is fashionable. HEr lil Shaw is made from Bamboo yarn and is supper soft. She loves taking walks on cool summer evenings!

Meet Kayah
Kayah is always ready to go shopping. she cares her designer Purple purse where ever she goes. She always on the look out for the new hot things.

Kayah and Jay are my Two new Lil sister gloomy's and hopefully there will soon be some more coming this way. You can see more photos of these two in my flickr gallery!
I have been working On Kayah for along time I cant tell you how many times i have tore out her hair and put new colors in. As for Jay I started her and finished her so quick i will be sad when I wrap her up for my friend! But I know My friend will just love her to bits.

So my last post was about my hair. Well I truly had fun as a blonde but it was time to go back to a burnet. I feel much happier being a burnet im not to sure why but Blonde hair just wasnt for me. I had to do my Hair all the time when it was blond or it just looked horid I will post before and after pics once i get this brown die washed off my forehead.


Amigurumi Girl on August 3, 2010 at 11:13 AM said...

love love love! Love all your stuff! Great detail. (^_^) <3

designofluna on August 14, 2010 at 3:09 AM said...

I love your dolls! At the moment I have a competition on my blog where you can win a unique Lunafigure. All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog where you tell me which one you want (check Lunas Värld on and link to my blog on your own blog.

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