Monday, February 22, 2010

Mindy meet Milly!!!!

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Monday, February 22, 2010
Mindy ^ I redid her hair a lil and made a lil gift bag that she fits in!!!
Will be the perfect gift

WOW I`m on a roll!!! Well Once I finished Mindy I wanted to keep her but well I was making her I was making her for a friend of mine who recently started to crochet and my gloomys are what inspired her. SO I decided after my last blog post that I really can`t keep Mindy soOOo I decided I would make myself a lil sister gloomy doll...

Sooo shall I introduce MILLY!!!! They are exactly the same size but in the photo Milly looks bigger!!
Aint she a darling!!!
(FOR some odd reason I cant take any good pics lately!)

SO once I did take the pics ( that im not that happy with) of Milly I decided to get the gloomys I have still out and take a group shot...


Starting from the Top Left-Right: Bri ( I still need to make her some clothes but I will eventually sell her I did make her as a many me but im not that fond of her), Gloomy Bear Beans, Nill ( This dark sisiter doll will be the one I have forever)
Bottom Left-Right: Milly ( has become Nills lil sister) , Meow-key, and then Mindy


... Babsie on February 22, 2010 at 12:20 PM said...

Hi Britainy,

ooohhh no.......I love your little dolls sooooo very much. I´m in love with them. Did you sell the crochet pattern? I must have it. Mindy and Milly are both sooo sweet and cute. Can I buy the pattern somewhere?
Your blog is so great. I always visit it.
Have a nice day and best wishes from germany

~CraftyMummy2two~ on February 22, 2010 at 12:28 PM said...

hey Babsie,
Sorry no pattern yet I might write one up for them this year and actually get my lil crochet store up and running lol!!

... Babsie on February 22, 2010 at 12:51 PM said...

Hey Britainy, thanks for your answer and your comment at my blog. Now I´m so sad, because there are no pattern for the very sweet girls. I love them soooooo very much.
I hope for your shop this year and then...I´ll buy ;o).
Greetings from Germany

Sandra on February 26, 2010 at 11:57 PM said...

Loving the dolls, and your blog! :)

rainbowproject on March 3, 2010 at 11:47 AM said...

I Loove your pretty girls! ^_^
Where you have buyed this fabric?
I want :( :( :(
ps. I have tagged you, see @ my blog!

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